the reason your lot isn't showing up is that there's another lot with the same ID number inside the original .dat. This is the lot that you started editing in the first place. The game only acknowledges one of the, the one that loads last. For testing purposes just put it in a folder with z in front of the name and you should be right.
As you are just starting it's best to get off on the right foot, which is PIMX. You still use the LE to place props and stuff, but you use PIMX to make the initial lot.
In terms of SM stuff, as I've said, you don't need to worry about the settings as they will all be changed anyway. But just in terms of getting into good practice I do recommend it.
Also if you are making lots for SM you need to keep to the available content (anything in the arsenal, which isn't much yet. But the longfellow castle has a range of good options.
I've been having rendering issues with Max, but will have some new buildings up soon.